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T-shirt card and card games to personalize and print online. Create your Ace of Spades t-shirt in the designer.

Card t-shirt

Personalized card game t-shirt to print online. Customizable game cards designs, diagonal aces, square aces, poker symbols etc. Choose your card color and print an original and elegant t-shirt online. PERSONALIZATION GUIDE: Select your t-shirt, preferably in white, from the customization window gallery - you can display this window in the pattern page, below the technical specifications of the pattern. Once you have chosen your t-shirt style, click on the card game design to display the customization options. The personalization of the four corner patterns consists essentially in enlarging the design to the maximum of the printable area. To center the pattern, drag and drop it and stop when a marker appears to indicate the middle. The printing colors can be modified, even if the combination black on white or red on white is optimal for a classic card t-shirt.